How to flip the script to have a happy life
It's February already, how are you doing with your New Year's Resolutions?
I know, the title may seem a bit clickbait-y, but this is worth a read.
For the past two weeks, I've been dealing with a terrible virus - or a COVID variant, who knows - and I sadly couldn't keep up with my routine.
During the first week, I felt sh*tty and guilty for not checking off everything on my to-do list.
But then it hit me. I had a choice:
I could either choose the easy path, i.e. spend the next week or even month complaining about how sick and unlucky I am.
OR I could flip the script, i.e. shift my mindset and find gratitude in the situation.
Dwelling on the fact that I was sick won't change anything, except for feeling worse and making poor decisions.
Instead, focusing on the fact that it wasn't as severe, I could then do my best to recover quickly.
This illness actually gave me the perfect opportunity to practice this mindset shift on a daily basis.
It's not always easy, but it's definitely worth it.
Shall we start?
I've been trying to speed up my recovery by keeping myself busy and consuming lots of coffee. Unfortunately, my body didn't respond well to 'toxic' productivity.
Today's agenda:
- Easy path
- Simple, but not easy path
- Challenging path
Easy path
Have you ever found yourself getting annoyed in these situations?
- Some random guy bumping you in a crowded street
- A rude cashier treating you poorly
- A colleague criticising your work
- A client complaining about your service
- Your partner not doing the chores they agreed to
If you're a human being, I'm willing to bet the answer is a loud "yes." So, what do you typically do in those moments? Do you place the blame on others? Do you vent to a friend about it?
Let's face it, complaining is easy.
It's simple to keep going on and on about the people and the things that have upset you.
And, let's be honest sometimes it feels kind of good to play the victim, right?
While blaming others might seem the easy way out, it won't get you anywhere.
In fact, every time you focus on external factors and point fingers, YOU'RE GIVING AWAY YOUR POWER.
You become powerless to change your situation.
So, here's the deal: you can either continue complaining and keep yourself trapped in this self-proclaimed "miserable" life, or you can choose to do something different today.
The choice is yours.
Simple, but not easy path
When blaming others, you don't have to make any changes.
Now, you can even rant at the comfort of your fingertips on Whatsapp or by calling a friend.
But guess what? The situation remains the same.
You just complain, complain, and complain.
You might move on for a little while, but soon enough, another complaint shows up.
You might tell yourself, what if...
- The guy who pushed you in the street said a simple "sorry"?
- The cashier greeted you with a smile - it won't hurt them, right?
- Your colleague took the initiative to do the work themselves?
- The client just switched to another supplier?
- Your partner spent 2 minutes doing the chores you both agreed on?
- But wait a minute, didn't I say stop blaming others?
Now, let's flip the script. What if YOU took control of the situation?
- What if YOU learned to manage your emotions so well that a little incident doesn't even trouble you?
- What if YOU gave a warm smile to the cashier, brightening their day?
- What if YOU focused on improving your skills and became so influential that your colleague couldn't help but praise you to the boss?
- What if YOU actively sought valuable feedback to enhance the client experience?
- What if YOU effectively communicated to your partner what you expect to be done?
It's time to take action and work on improving yourself.
Your new life begins when you stop complaining and start taking responsibility for your own actions.
So, are you ready to embrace this new approach and create a happier life for yourself?
Challenging path
I know it's easier said than done, but trust me, it's a game-changer.
Now, I have a challenge for you.
It all starts with baby steps.
Can you go a day, two days, or even a week without complaining?
Here's what I want you to do.
Whenever the urge to complain arises, take a moment to pause and ask yourself three questions:
How can I flip the script and approach this situation differently? What actions can I take to be responsible for this situation? What small steps can I take right now to make the situation slightly better? I won't sugarcoat it, it's not going to be easy.
Breaking the habit of complaining for decades takes effort and self-awareness.
But let me assure you, it gets easier with practice.
And the rewards are totally worth it.
So, are you ready to take on this challenge and embark on a journey of happiness?
Let's build your financial confidence! 💪
PS - The same applies with money. Instead of complaining about the lack of money, how can you flip the script?
PSS - If we know exactly where we're going, exactly how to get there, and exactly what we will see along the way, we won't learn anything.