7 Life lessons I've learned this year that changed my finances
I’m constantly working on how to improve myself and my finances, as a recovering overspender (did I mention it’s a lifelong journey?). As the year comes to a close, I love taking a moment to reflect on the lessons I've learned along the way.
From couch to 44K a week
Running lessons that can be applied to personal finances: 1. Don't listen to the pros 2. Listen to those who've been there!
Audit your life using the value lens
Do you know your values and your anti-values? Do your daily life match with you values? Find out how to create your principles derived from your values, your inner GPS to guide you.
What is one habit that can change drastically your finances? 2/2
Assess your time, Breakdown your goals, and Start small is key to find motivation, not just wait for the motivation to comes. Invest in you future by just taking a few steps every day or week.
What is one habit that can change drastically your finances? 1/2
Why we spend too much time on urgent or non important tasks, while we all know that if we spend more time doing the non-urgent and important tasks, we will reach better financial security (using the Eisenhower Matrix).
3 lessons learned from my grandpa who worked at Macau's first casino
We all have coping mechanisms, but when they turn into addictions—whether it's gambling, investing, or shopping—they can take over our lives. Learn how to spot them early. Gambling is a serious addiction.
Starting with the end
Feeling stuck in your career or just in life? Discover how to realign your life and finances by starting with the end in mind + legacy exercise and using the ABC workbook. Find your true path today
Managing money is a form of self-care
What if your best investment is yourself? The problem with investment is not the money, it's more the value you're putting behind the investment. So if you don't invest in yourself, I can already tell what is the price you're putting on yourself.